Muscle Relaxation Research Study I’ve been so busy posting everywhere else, I forgot to put a blog post on my own website! In my role as Ph.D. candidate/researcher, I am now conducting my research study for my dissertation. I knew … Continue reading
Muscle Relaxation Research Study I’ve been so busy posting everywhere else, I forgot to put a blog post on my own website! In my role as Ph.D. candidate/researcher, I am now conducting my research study for my dissertation. I knew … Continue reading
http://www.csuohio.edu/sciences/language-research-lab/psychology-language-video-series As our world gets smaller through technology, and our use of language is changing rapidly, it’s important to give some thought to the language we each use and what we’re trying to communicate with it. The words we choose, … Continue reading
In the past few weeks, I have heard from clients, friends, family members, colleagues, and acquaintances that they are experiencing significant distress as a result of the current political events and announcements. I began to recognize this distress as acute … Continue reading
Like many in the US, I have felt increasing outrage at the well-orchestrated hostile takeover of our nation in the past week. Blatant disregard for many of the values near and dear to the foundations of this country has had … Continue reading
I learned a new term tonight…personal safety. It refers to the ability to keep one’s person safe. What a concept! It goes against everything I was taught growing up. IMPACT Bay Area (http://www.impactbayarea.org/) is a non-profit organization which has been … Continue reading
Recently, I’ve been experiencing a real-life example of how injury forms into chronic tension in the body. I fell three weeks ago on pavement, with a pretty bad sprain to the left foot, milder sprains in other joints, and bumps … Continue reading
Attending a hybrid PhD program at a small university has some distinct advantages for a working professional. I can fit schoolwork in to my full schedule, and I don’t have to spend time commuting to a campus. But there’s a … Continue reading
I’m very disturbed over the violent events of the past few weeks, as many people are, but it seems for different reasons. As a psychotherapist, I get to see issues through many different lenses as clients come in and work … Continue reading
I want to share a very interesting, and for me profound, experience that happened as a result of my cat Angus’ surgery. The way I’m interpreting it, it’s directly related to body-oriented treatment of trauma. He came home late Sunday … Continue reading
Cygnus Transformations is an expansion of the psychotherapy practice that I’ve been building for over five years. In addition to therapy, I will now be offering additional mind-body services to provide enhanced approaches for wellness and well-being for the whole-being. … Continue reading